FPOM Task Group- Non-native piscivorous fish

Meeting Minutes

211209 Piscine Predation FPOM TG audio

211014 FPOM non-native TG audio
211014 TG Non-native Fish Removal draft meeting minutes

Task Group Documents
Oregon Rules and Statutes - SMB, Walleye and Catfish removal
211214 SECOND UPDATE on ODFW's Game Fish Policies, Rules and Statutes
SMB Predation Lit Review_120621DRAFT_Thompson
ODFW Non-Native Game Fish Policy 2020
Tiffan et al. 2020 (Cumulative predation loss)
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Mortality in a Snake River Reservoir Smallmouth Bass Predation Revisted
Hemingway et al. 2019 (Fach SDR SMB interactions)
Tinus ODFW et al SMB abundance and diet at three Col R Dams 2012
McHugh ODFW et al SMB abundance and diet at three Col R Dams 2011
Predation Workshop 2008 Summary Report
Fritts and Pearsons 2006 Smallmouth bass diet in Yakima River
Zimmerman 1999 Food Habits of Smallmouth Bass, Walleyes, and Northern Pikeminnow lower Columbia River

Largemouth Silcott Island
Smallmouth HC

Non-native fish are main consumers of salmon in reservoirs, researchers find _ Oregon State University